NLP taster sessions are here

Sept 9th & 10th

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Join me for NLP workshop week for leaders, educators, coaches and for personal transformation.  


Learn how NLP can elevate your

  • communication skills to build rapport,

  • engage hearts and minds

  • and connect in a way that people feel valued, heard and understood.

NLP modelled excellent leaders and found that they had a certain attitude, beliefs and values, and a way of being that inspired others. There is a Psychology and science behind excellent leadership.

☑️ Come along to the leadership session on Monday 9th sept at 9.30am to find out more. 


Learn how NLP can:

  • Improve behaviour in the classroom so that everyone thrives 

  • communicate effectively to engage all learners 

  • support the mental and emotional wellbeing of students

  • Use language that leads to success 

NLP has been shown to be an effective method for improving students results, engagement and love for learning. The attitude and approach of the educator plays a significant role in the success of the students. NLP shows you how to be an excellent educator. 

☑️ Come along to the educators session on Monday 9th sept at 10.30am to find out more 


Stand out in a crowded industry by being the go to coach who actually gets results! 

Learn how NLP:

  • stands apart form other methods of coaching and therapy 

  • uses effective language models and techniques to transform problems and change the personal history that is keeping your clients stuck 

  • Works with the conscious and unconscious mind to make behavioural change that lasts

  • Teaches your clients how to self coach 

☑️ Come along to the session on Tuesday 10th sept at 9.30am to find out more


Take your life, career, health and happiness to new heights by transforming from the inside out! 

Learn how NLP:

  • Trains you to think, feel and behave in ways that bring you success and happiness 

  • Harnesses your innate excellence so you can bring your best self to all areas of your life 

  • Resolve inner conflicts like self doubt, fear, self sabotage, low self esteem and self worth to feel good about who you are and unlock your potential. 

  • Improve relationships, have more harmony in your life and ultimately live with more fulfilment. 

  • reduce stress, overwhelm, negative thinking, low mood and realise that the answers to your challenges are already within you 

Come along to the session on Tuesday 10th sept at 10.30am to find out more 

👏 If you can't make the live session then replays will be available.

Sessions will take place on zoom and the link will be sent to you once you have signed up. See you there 😊